Memories are sometimes embodied as everlasting comrades. They bridge the gap between past and present. Memories sew the ripped soul, by weaving threads of attachment and detachment . Memories fill our hearts with cherishable moments, and replenish our very soul when, destiny starts painting our lives grey. Memories are saviours. Memories are our sole companians till death. Even when we breathe our last ,it is memories that flash infront of our eyes, giving us an account of who we were, what we gained and what we lost in this lifetime. These memories cease to fade, even after a beloved departs, memories fill the gap and make our existence worthwhile. We are not willing to let go of these glittering jewels, because they cause our eyes and hearts to sparkle and gleam.
The same jewels ,start hurting our eyes causing tears to flow down, when they are intense. They are uninvited , when we want to move on to the road of recovery. These memories invade our thoughts, and drag us back into the bleak past . Recollections of the past can be ghastly, causing a chill down the spine. The dreams that we want to watch with our eyes wide open are scarred by the excruciating past. Hence the compelling negativity carves out chasms of dejection, supression and remorse converting the “once” pleasant dreams into loathsome nightmares. These nightmares are nefarious and they camoflauge themselves into sleep. Sleep that was previously longed for, now becomes a matter of dread and anguish. We fear to step in deep sleep, as we know that the moment we shut our eyelids , the phantom will reveal it’s true identity and wrap us in a blanket of shivery and appaling imagery. Our hands are bereft of movement and our whole body is paralyzed to become unruffled ice. We are driven by a grim force into the abyss of self-conflicting realities and enchanting imagination.
Memories,sometimes so powerful are capable of, mindboggling. Our emotions are seized by the vivid and blatant memories. Our mind and heart are overwhelmed, and they are maneuvered subconsciously by the reins of blazing recollections. The memories take different forms and appear to be sharp and sometimes hazy. Now since they are fully capable of blurring our bird’s eye view, they attimes render us helpless and forlorn, and provoke us into taking wrong steps, that cannot be mended.
When this takes place ,time and again, we are not able to distinguish between the contending world of memories and the real world. We wish to dwell in the former. While doing so, we enter into a fascinating dream, and suddenly when a gushing breeze touches our face , making a wisp of hair fall on our face, we open our eyes to realize that we were living in denial. Therefore, we need to splash our face with droplets of reality to rinse the dustladen memories. The dilemma in choosing the real and imaginary world, makes us a person of wisdom and virtue .Endurance and ignorance are two pillars of strength that help us in coming to terms with ACCEPTANCE.