Clouds emote through variants of pigments. Purple , red ,Pink, grey and white . Sometimes the clouds are imbibed with a hue of orange,yellow,red,the colours are blended to drape the sky with a magnificient attire.
Purple criss-cross of clouds hauls up animosity, fear and ill-will from our hearts, The criss-cross of the huffed sacks denotes an incessant turmoil that swirls up inside one's heart.
The pink clouds could narrate a story of blossoming love, diffusing warmth, and probably a fantasy world with enchanting details of fairies and kingdoms of might.
Red as the colour suggests is when love is in the air. Touching souls and leaving it's mark , moving on for a new embark. Red is invigorating and fulfilling. The tones of red are suggestive of flames ignited in the hearts of young souls. It also manifests the supressed volano of ire and wrath.
The grey characer of clouds showcases the grim and shady side of the clouds. It also unfolds a mystery. Unravelling questions unanswered. Seeking answeres from our inner being. While looking up at the fused shades of grey, a feeling so abrupt and crisp pricks us. The murky overcast is a reminder of the darkness that blackens our soul.
White is right. It imbues a sense of purity marked by virtue and sacredness. White is wholeness, integrity and unision. The colour white of the clouds depicts merging of different colours into one. The milky sky appears as a glistening surface, making one long to float and gloat. The furry sheep turns green with envy when it sees the cottony clouds.
The rays find their direction and makes a pathway for us to follow in our lives. They point an arrow towards our destinations. They emanate from sun, and rejuvenate each and every being with their glory and splendor.
The froth bubbles are analogous to the thought clouds that instantaneously pop in our heads. These thought clouds burst and shower ingeniuous ideas. The compressible foamballs are like our emotions that we supress and suffocate. Rains are harbringers of merriment and rejoice. The feelings serving as a source of perturbation should not be choked, instead vented. Tears might flow, but eventually their departure marks the arrival of strength and courage,
Clouds are a safe haven for angels. They are eternally on cloud nine.They recline on the puffy pillows and the cushioned beds. Wrap themselves with the wooly quilt and enter into a deep slumber. Mushy and mellow clouds are a relief to the flying wanderers seeking refuge.
Infused vibrancy of chromes instill, a tint of vitalty, and breathes a new life.
The cloudy world appears panoramic. Velvety vales are carved beautifully, majestic mountains mount with might , lyrical lakes flow with a melody so pleasent , surreal sea extends to immeasurable boundaries . Each and every aspect is remarkably a sight that heals wounds and alleviates suffering.
It is a grandeur palace for the celestial beings. Its a masterpiece of god. It Functions to sprinkle chunks of bliss and exaltation.