The frail and frolic of a totter, and those squinty eyes was a daily affair
Never did this subside even with the varieties of glare
Overjoyed cries and shrieks were shrill indeed
His curious nose resembled a pearling bead
Golden Yellow was what he wore
Warmth exuded from his scrawny core
Muddy Little paws here and there, always ready for intervention
These were his little antics of drawing some attention
He had a cowering greet, with ingredients of shy and meek,
But was a real smart player with the absence of weak.
Bony and skinny was a mere mask
All the gallantries were his to bask
For he chose no one but the black alpha as his nemesis
He recoiled in pain but never in fright, and stood alone in every crisis
His heart was bigger than his stomach
And his paws never failed to scratch our lowermost tuck
The tail that wagged the entire body
Was not for everybody but for people that he considered as somebody
The blackness in eyes with a little white, spoke of innocence and unsaid plight
His eyes did wonders, and with the passing days there was an elevating might
He soon became the menacing Dennis, with impish horns replacing the floppy ears
Those Antennas distinguished our cars with different gears
Pestering and Nudging were his game, and he never relented without the same
He had a bouncing spirit with a gait that was lame
Man and beast were both stirred but his funny bones never ceased to be heard
He squeaked like a mouse but glided like a bird
At night he retired to his muddy resort or his under vehicle residence
His mellow bellow used to rattle the morning and knock some sense
For someone that flinched from the slightest touch, he was now a brute guarding us from every touch
From a sheep in the flock, he became the vigilant shepherd without a clock
The pitched shriek soon turned into an echoed sound, and he was no where to be found
He was our treasure and we began the hunt, knowing that he is bearing some brunt
Hope was trampled on the dusty road, but in the night was a silhouette that glowed
He was battered but his soul never shattered
His quiet soul rested on the tattered rug
Had some chicken and broth in his plastic mug
Gradually his eyes closed with an anticipated journey, and the curtain on his eyes never rolled up
His voice was the tea to the morning he knew, and now there was a lull that brewed from the cup
In our hearts are embedded his jubilant shrieks and affectionate grins
For he was our Geeshi, the feeble soldier with all the wins